Boku No Hero Academia 5th Season (Dub) Episode 3
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Due to inclement weather delays in the Dallas area, the following list of Winter 2023 season English dubs are delayed until the following dates. Stay tuned for any further updates on upcoming English dubbed episodes.
I would like to discuss some thoughts andtopics about our new rising star Endeavor in Myhero Academia. This goes on with the last two episodes of Season 4,so if you don't want spoils, then stop reading! Thank you!
Endeavor, described as the hot-headed number two hero who envied totake the spotlight from All-Might finally got what he wishedfor. Once All-Might lost his title as \"The Symbol Of Peaceand Justice,\" in Season 4's last two episodes Endeavor wasranked as the number one hero.
I'm predicting this season will cover the remaining Pro HeroArc, the Joint Training Arc, the Meta Liberation Army Arc, theEndeavor Agency Arc. The final episode will begin the ParanormalLiberation War Arc. Right now I have the episode count at 23because I feel this would be the best stopping point, though Ishould note that this has not been confirmed by any officialsources.
Is there a chance we could add a hero academia OC section to thefandom It would be cool to see what people come up with in termsof their own quirks, hero costumes and storylines. Of course noneof it would be canon, so it would be a page for fun. Anyone elselike the idea 59ce067264