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James's mainstream success had peaked by the release of his album Glow in 1985 and his appearance on the popular TV show, The A-Team. His subsequent album releases failed to sell as well as their predecessors. Rapper MC Hammer sampled James's "Super Freak" for his 1990 hit, "U Can't Touch This" which won Best R&B Song at the 1991 Grammy Awards. James received his only Grammy for composing the song.[1] By the early 1990s, James's career was hampered by his drug addiction and he was embroiled with legal issues. In 1993, James was convicted for two separate instances of kidnapping and assaulting two different women while under the influence of crack cocaine, resulting in a three-year sentence at Folsom State Prison. James was released on parole in 1996 and released the album Urban Rapsody in 1997. James's health problems halted his career again after he had a mild stroke during a concert in 1998, and he announced a semi-retirement.
Steve: Libraries can be really cool places with a plethora of media if affluent suburbanites will only pay their fair share of taxes. The "gangbangers" you describe are under no delusions about their destiny. Already out of the socioeconomic frying pan and into the fire of rigged capitalist competition they are preparing for the inevitably cruel future. Reading all the books in the library won't help you pirate, pimp, snuff, beat and deal with the pros.Who are the pros? Dick Cheney would be a good thug example, "So what (bitch)" when it comes to public opinion. When it comes to education, I'm sure Phil Gramm would label you a whiner, who should take his licks with the other weak losers.Education will never guarantee success under corrupt cronyism and collusive co-optation. Co-optation- Isn't that what we expect from Obama: Strong Banger Barry sells us out? McCain will dance at fundraisers while banks fail, just as he did during the Savings and Loan debacle. And its "off to the Eastern Front" with your poor white babies, Steve.It's 11:59, Steve, Do you know where your nest egg is? Wachovia and Merrill Lynch may be cracking it now. The N's ain't the problem, Steve, nor the Jews nor the Gypsies nor the cripples nor the trade unionists. The problem is critics who never look up socioeconomically (at their supposed betters) but only down at the victims of a collapsing empire. Oh, and Steve, if you're afraid to look up, "You could be a victim too"See you at the library. Are you ready for the Deluge?
It seems the Glenn wants to hold on to the divide between black and white americans somewhat. many government programs now are totally benefiting many in the black community, but at the same time keeping them at a level where one is better off not getting a higher paying job or better education when you can get health insurance, housing and food stamps by doing buy having a child and not getting married. i know because i was alot better off financially when my child was young, and i was on welfare and qualified for every kind of low income program. now that i have a job that makes $15.00 an hour, I am in the worst position in my life, i can not afford much food, rent, etc... and my friends who dont work, or work under the table have their rent paid in new low income homes, $400.00 of food stamps a month, and health insurance. they are the ones with full refridgerators, new cars, new clothes, and trips to jamaica. i would be better off if i had another child and not get married. that is so backwards. 2b1af7f3a8