Mobi Cam Dxr Touch Baby Monitor Reviews
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We considered unorthodox ideas like using a GoPro or an old smartphone as a baby monitor, but the success of those ideas really depends on what equipment you already have; we wanted to get a clear recommendation that will work for everyone.
Wi-Fi baby monitors rely on two-way communication between your camera and a server, and that means someone else might also be able to exploit mistakes that were made in designing the security protocols that should keep the cameras safe.
For the most part, the limiting factor that determines how well you can see your baby with one of these setups is screen quality. The camera sensors in these monitors are pretty good at picking up detail, even in low-light environments. A bigger screen lets you see all of that detail, though it also comes with a bigger price-tag.
If you need freedom from power cords, this audio-only baby monitor will run for almost 18 hours. In addition to that extended battery life, the VTech shines through with top-notch audio quality even at long range.
We tested both the Android and Windows programs for controlling the camera, and they worked quite well, much better than the website. The apps will do everything a baby monitor should with your phone or computer: detect sound or motion and notify you, let you listen or talk back and let you control the camera pan/tilt motors.
The MobiCam Digital DXR Audio/Video Color Monitoring System features a 3.5-inch TFT LCD screen that delivers high-definition color video, making it easy to keep a super-sharp eye on activities. A convenient kickstand is built into the monitor for hands-free viewing, and an extra-wide camera angle provides a broad range of the area being monitored. For a bigger picture, you can also view your feed on a computer or laptop via USB connection (cable included). To ensure every important moment is captured, the Digital DXR doubles as a video-recording device. No PC is required--just insert an SD card in the monitor's slot (SD card sold separately) and record up to 32 hours. The monitor can be set to record manually or automatically when a sound is detected. Each video file from the Digital DXR is recorded with a date-and-time stamp in standard AVI format. It can be easily played and scrolled through like a DVR recording, letting you review what you may have missed throughout the day. You can review footage using either your PC or the MobiCam monitor, and then decide whether to archive or share your recordings on YouTube, Facebook, or via email. The Digital DXR has a range of up to 450 feet and utilizes an advanced digital signal to ensure that your transmissions are private and secure. Two-Way Audio Communication Ideal for Monitoring the Elderly: Unlike conventional monitors which only receive video signals from the camera, the MobiCam Digital DXR also supports two-way audio communication between the camera and monitor, allowing both parties to easily stay in contact with each other. This is especially important for communication to little ones, seniors, and housebound family members as well as business applications. Included Software Lets You Stream Audio and Video Online: Included with the DXR monitor is the MobiCam Anywhere software, which allows you to connect to a computer, notepad, or smartphone via USB and stream video and audio online. The software is downloadable from Mobi's web site and is designed for nontechnical people to be able to review footage via Internet--from virtually anywhere in the world. Night Vision and Voice Activated Picture and Sound: Stay watchful at night using the automatic infrared night vision mode with a 40-foot range. With voice-activated picture and sound, your monitor will remain on standby until a sound is detected in the area you're monitoring. The sound will then trigger the monitor's audio and video signal, so you can see and hear what's happening. Expandable Up to Four Cameras with the Quad Screen Feature: With the option to integrate up to four cameras, the Digital DXR can substantially expand your observable domain (additional cameras sold separately). All four video feeds can be viewed simultaneously with the new Quad Screen Feature, giving you exceptional oversight of your home or business. Also Works as a USB Webcam: Connect the Digital DXR to your PC via USB (cable included) to chat online with friends and family. The camera is compatible with popular chat services such as Skype, Microsoft Messenger, Google Video, Yahoo Messenger, and others. Using the USB port, you can also take advantage of the MobiCam Anywhere software to stream your footage online so it can be accessed on an Internet-enabled PC or cell phone. Wired or Wireless Monitor Operation: In addition to standard power plug-in, the Digital DXR monitor comes with a rechargeable, eight hour lithium-ion battery, making it easy to carry from room to room. An on-screen indicator tells you when the battery is running low. It also switches automatically to energy conservation mode when the power is low. Customize Your Monitoring Range: Sensitivity settings on the camera-scan and voice-activation modes allow you to customize your monitoring range. Convenient alarms tell you when the battery is low, when the camera is out of range, and when a voice has been detected.1370874815.pd-reviews-snapshot-bar.stars-1:after {width:0%;}.pd-reviews-snapshot-bar.stars-2:after {width:0%;}.pd-reviews-snapshot-bar.stars-3:after {width:100%;}.pd-reviews-snapshot-bar.stars-4:after {width:0%;}.pd-reviews-snapshot-bar.stars-5:after {width:0%;}.pd-reviews-circular-progress circle:nth-child(2){ /*** RADIAL PROGRESS COLORED BAR OFFSET ***/ stroke-dashoffset: calc(100 - 0);} 3.0 out of 5.0 1 Review 1 Review Write a Review Ratings Snapshot 5 Star 0% (0)4 Star 0% (0)3 Star 100% (1)2 Star 0% (0)1 Star 0% (0) 0% of Reviewers Recommend Works until you use 2 camerasBy Monica from United States on June 10, 2013 I was really hopeful for this to be as wonderful as it claims to be. However it does fall short and now I wish I would have gone with a different product. We purchased this in January however my second son did not get here until May so in the past month we have realized this is really only good as a single monitor. I knew that in quad mode we would not have any sound but when you have the monitor flip from camera to camera every 5 seconds you do have volume for about 20 minutes and then the monitor freezes up and you can't use it as single monitor or turn it off. We have had to take the battery out completely in order to get the monitor to work again. The manufacturer only provides a 90 day warranty which would have been fine had we bought it closer to when our second son was born. Now we just have a really expensive single monitor. I am not a happy mommy!ProsPortableClear pictureBest UsesSingle use monitor.ConsDoesn't work well with multiple cameras hooked upLoses signal oftenIf you have to reset you have to pair monitor to camera again and this is a pain when your little one is sleeping. when battery is charged it does not hold the charge very longpoor warrantyQ&A Ask a Question var pdInventoryDebug = false;function pdInventoryInit() {var tempDate = new Date();var cb = Math.ceil((tempDate.getTime()) / 6000); var url =" _temp/mod_inventoryDisplay/2017/mobi-mobicam-dxr-digital-monitoring-system.js?cb=" + cb;var script = document.createElement('script');script.type="text/javascript";script.src=url;document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script);try {pdAttachInventoryQtyUpDown();}catch(e){}}function pdApplyProductOutOfStockCustom(productId) {var vwitem = document.getElementById("orderForm").vwitem0.value;if(vwitem == productId) {document.getElementById("orderForm").vwquantity0.value = 0;}}pdInventoryInit();jQuery(document).ready(function() {//**** COORIDINATING ITEMS DYNAMIC DISPLAY CHECKBOX *****jQuery('#pdcoordinating-includes-check').click(function(e){jQuery(this).toggleClass("active");var className = jQuery(this).attr('class');if(className == "active"){jQuery(this).children("span").removeClass('far fa-circle');jQuery(this).children("span").addClass('fas fa-check-circle');jQuery("#vwquantity0").removeClass('text');jQuery("#vwquantity0").addClass('qty');jQuery("#vwquantity0").val(1);}else{jQuery(this).children("span").removeClass('fas fa-check-circle');jQuery(this).children("span").addClass('far fa-circle');jQuery("#vwquantity0").removeClass('qty');jQuery("#vwquantity0").addClass('text');jQuery("#vwquantity0").val(0);}pdUpdatePriceQtyDisplay();});// ITEM NAV MENU SCROLLINGjQuery(document).on("scroll", onScroll);jQuery('nav a, .pditem-rating-count a').on('click', function (e) {e.preventDefault();jQuery(document).off("scroll");jQuery('a').each(function () {jQuery(this).removeClass('active');})jQuery(this).addClass('active');var target = this.hash;$target = jQuery(target);jQuery('html, body').stop().animate({'scrollTop': $target.offset().top + 2}, 400, 'swing', function () {window.location.hash = target;jQuery(document).on("scroll", onScroll);});});//**** SHORTEN LENGTH OF COORDINATING ITEM NAME LINKSjQuery(function(){jQuery('.pdcoordinating-name > a').succinct({size: 42});});//***** APPLY VIDEO POPUP ****jQuery('.popup-youtube').magnificPopup({disableOn: 700,type: 'iframe',mainClass: 'mfp-fade',removalDelay: 160,preloader: false,fixedContentPos: true});//***** POSITION VIDEO LINK ****jQuery('.pditem-image').prepend( jQuery('.popup-youtube') );});$(function () {$('.pditem-share > a').magnificPopup({type: 'inline',preloader: false});$('.pditem-rewards > a').magnificPopup({type: 'inline',preloader: false});$('.pditem-price-match-guarantee > a').magnificPopup({type: 'inline',preloader: false});$(document).on('click', '.popup-modal-dismiss', function (e) {e.preventDefault();$.magnificPopup.close();});});//************************************//******* END ITEM PAGE SCRIPT *******//************************************ Albee Baby Rewards Program Redeem $5 For Every 500 Points 2b1af7f3a8