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All God's ways are perfect. His works are perfect, andHis words are perfect. Can there also be perfection in His use ofnumbers The Jews and Jewish Christians of the Old and New Testamentsthought so, and so did the Fathers of the Catholic Church. St. Jerome,St. Augustine, and Pope St. Gregory I (the Great) all wrote extensively aboutGod's design and significance in His plan of salvation in the use ofnumbers.
SEVEN AND EIGHT: together these numbers form aremarkable connection. As we have noted seven, according to itsetymology, means that which is spiritually complete, while eight denotes thatwhich is superabundant. God's holy covenant name is expressed in Hebrewby the four consonants YHWH which have a value of 10, 5, 6, and 5. Addedtogether their total is 20 + 6 but multiplied by 3 (the Triune God) their valueis 70 (7x10) + 8 or spiritual perfection times perfection of order plussuperabundant salvation.
FORTY-TWO: The number forty-two is the product of sixtimes seven. Seven is one of the \"perfect\" numbers, signifying fullness andperfection, especially spiritual perfection. However, six is the number of manand of man's opposition to God's plan for mankind's salvation. In Scripturethe number forty-two appears to symbolize a connection to or a conflict betweenman and the Spirit of God. Examples of the symbolic nature of the numberforty-two can be applied to these passages:
FIFTY: is the number of jubilee or deliverance. It is the issue of 7 x 7 +1 or 7 squared + 1, and it points to deliverance andrest following on as the result of the perfect consummation of time.
ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THREE: An abundance of ink hasbeen spilled in an attempt to discern the significance of this number. Itis a number which has taxed the minds of some of the greatest Biblicalscholars. All have believed that there must be something deeplysignificant and mysterious in this number from the solemn way in which it isintroduced in John21:11: Simon Peter went and drew the net to land full of great fishes,one hundred and fifty three. St. Augustine has pointed out thecomparison and contrast between the two miraculous catches of fish, one at thebeginning and the other at the end of Christ's ministry (after hisResurrection). He and other scholars see in this number some connectionwith the \"saved\" who are \"caught up\" in Peter's \"net\", a symbol of theChurch. St. Jerome also saw that there was some deeper meaning in thenumber, and records that there were 153 sorts of fish in the Sea of Galileewhich he believed symbolized all kinds of men enclosed in the Gospel net. Both St. Augustine and Pope St. Gregory the Great noticed that 17 is the sum ofthe perfect numbers 10 (perfect order) and 7 (spiritual perfection). St.Gregory multiplied 17 by 3 and again by 3 to get 153. Augustine usedaddition and took the sum of all the digits up to and including 17 as amountingto exactly 153. They also noted that the expression \"Sons of God\" occurs7 times, and that the gematria of this expression in Hebrew is exactly153. In Greek the gematria of \"Sons of God\" is 3,213 or 3 x 7 x153. The gematria in Greek for the word fishes is 1,224 or 8 x153. The gematria for \"the net\" is 1,224 or 8 x 153.
Matthew manipulates thenames of Abraham's descendants into 3 sets of 14 individual male descendants oras he tells us in Matthew 1:17:The sum of generations is therefore: fourteen from Abraham to David;fourteen from David to the Babylonian deportation; and fourteen from the Babyloniandeportation to Christ. He manipulates the list to get 3 sets of 14generations each to create 42 names of the list of the descendants ofAbraham to bring attention to the link between the names and the covenantpromise to Abraham and David by Yahweh. David's name is # 14 inthe list and the gematria of his name is the number 14. The number42 also has significance. 42 divided by 12, the number of Israel, yields3 . This is a prophetic number in both Daniel chapter 12 and inRevelation. See Daniel 12:1-13(focus on verse7 which adds up to 3 ). 3 is half of 7. It is an imperfectnumber. Note: both St. Jerome and Pope St Gregory the Great wrote extensivelyabout and gematria its significance in Scripture. Sir Isaac Newton wrotemore about gematria and numbers in Scripture than he did about the theory ofgravity.
The central theme whichunites both these stories is healing, purification, restoration, and newlife - not just of these two daughters of Israel but of the healing andrestoration Jesus is bringing to all of Old Covenant Israel. Twelveis the number of perfection in government and, therefore, the number whichsignifies the Church. Just as Jesus raised the child of Jairus to newlife, so will He raise up the faithful remnant of Old Covenant Israel to becomethe faithful New Covenant people of God. The selection of the threeApostles is a sign that what is about to happen is of theological significance;the five people invited by Jesus to come into the room when the child ishealed signifies the gift of God's grace applied through the faith of thebelievers, and the seven gathered together, including Jesus and thechild, signifies the healing and regenerative power of God the Holy Spirit - sevenis the number of spiritual perfection. In St. Mark's Gospel the healingand restoration of these two daughters of Israel signified the healing andrestoration of the faithful covenant people of God who embraced Jesus as thepromised Messiah. It is through this faithful remnant that Jesus willestablish the New Covenant and the Universal Church through will the wholeworld \"may be saved\".
The number seven, however, represents perfection, fullnessand completion - especially perfection through the work of the Holy Spirit. In Revelation19:16 there are two titles for Christ which St. John reveals to us form one\"name.\" Is he telling us to add the words together to determine thegematria of the titles The gematria of \"King of kings, Lord of lords\" inAramaic (leaving out the \"and\") equals 777 - a trinity of perfection incontrast to the Beast's number 666 which will never achieve perfection.
Endnotes:1. Matthew 18:21-22 in the New American Bible interprets the number as 77 times:Then Peter approaching asked him, \"Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive himAs many as seven times\" Jesus answered, \"I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times.\"The last two sections of the discourse (Mt 18:21-35) concern the obligation of disciples to forgive brothers and sistersin the covenant family who have wronged them. The number Jesus gives Peter is significant. This is a number that is not to be takenliterally but is a number that has a symbolic value. The Greek number can be read either seven times ten plus seven times = 77times or seven times ten times seven = 490 times. In both cases, seven is the number of perfection, fulfillment and completion;it is also the number of the Holy Spirit. Ten is the number of divine government. Taken together the numbers symbolize thespiritual perfection and fulfillment of divine government in the Church offing forgiveness to repentant sinners. 153554b96e